What I can help you with

Are you:
Struggling to get to sleep, waking up during the night and not getting quickly back off to sleep or worrying each night that you won’t get adequate sleep? Or perhaps waking up still feeling exhausted, feeling like you can’t cope, keeping yourself going with cups of coffee and energy drinks?
Improved sleep can greatly benefit your physical and mental health and overall well-being. Hypnosis for sleep can help you to re-establish healthy sleep habits (sleep-hygiene), optimise your sleep quality and increase sleep quantity by calming down your subconscious mind and addressing any anxiety or stress triggers.
The process can help you to create a consistent sleep-wake schedule that supports your body’s natural circadian rhythms enabling you to be better prepared for whatever life throws at you.
Improving Sleep
Are you:
Juggling work and family responsibilities? Constantly worrying and not sleeping well? Experiencing IBS, headaches or difficulties concentrating? Maybe even panic attacks?
When you experience continuing stress, it is very common for normal sleep patterns to be disrupted and because you are worrying, the amount of sleep you are getting may not be enough for your brain to effectively process all of the worries and you wake up unrefreshed. When the brain is not functioning at its best, the body will often experience a myriad of physical symptoms.
Hypnotherapy can help you to quickly reduce stress and anxiety and improve sleep through accessing the subconscious mind using hypnotic relaxation and visualisation techniques. As the culminative effects of the therapy take place, you will find that you are better able to cope with the demands of your everyday life, feel inner calm, peace, confidence and feel ’right’ again.
Stress, Burnout and Physical Health

Whether it be dogs, water, heights, spiders, needles, whatever your fear or phobia, solution-focused hypnotherapy for phobias, with its focus on using the positive ‘intellectual’ brain combined with NLP techniques, can help you dramatically reduce your fear response and enable you to take back control.
Phobias & Fears
Are you:
Constantly worrying, experiencing anxious or panicky thoughts, anxiety around going out and social gatherings, fidgety or agitated? Or maybe feeling low, sad or in a bit of a slump?
A Solution focused hypnotherapy for anxiety package can help you reduce your anxiety and general low mood or depression by inducing deep relaxation and re-educating your subconscious mind thus helping you to re-train your brain to focus on the positive. During our sessions, you will learn about the brain and how it relates to anxiety, low mood and other common mental health issues affecting the mind and our thinking processes.
Anxiety, Low Mood & Depression

Are you:
Feeling stuck? Lacking the confidence, motivation or self-belief to do the things you really want to do? Procrastinating and not getting those things done?
A Solution-focused hypnotherapy package can help you to regain confidence, increase motivation and self-belief by using relaxation and visualisation techniques to boost your self-esteem by putting the positive ‘intellectual’ brain back in the driving seat and reducing the limiting thoughts and beliefs in your subconscious mind, accessing your inner
resources to help you overcome these blocks to lead the life you want and feel happier and more confident.
Motivation, Confidence & Self-esteem
Are you:
Experiencing insomnia or disturbed sleep, increased anxiety, panic attacks, weight gain, stress, low confidence, brain fog, mood swings, depression? Perhaps feeling a sense of loss of the woman you were, children grown, unsure of what you want to do next?
A Solution focused hypnotherapy for menopause package can help you learn how to help yourself and manage the symptoms of menopause during this transitional life change. Through deep hypnotic relaxation, helping you to re-train your brain to focus on the positive practice self-care, form new healthy habits and take small steps towards where you want to be and how you want to feel, enabling you to live a happier, calmer and more fulfilling life.
Menopause & Perimenopause

The habit of vaping is one that has soared in recent times. Many people find it difficult to break the hold vaping or smoking has on them. Once you are 100% certain that you really want to quit, it is possible with hypnotherapy to stop smoking or vaping to achieve within a double-length session*, enabling you to leave the session as a non-vaper or non-smoker.
*It may be necessary to precede the quit vaping/smoking session with some stress reduction sessions in order to fully maximise the success of the stop smoking hypnotherapy.
Quit Vaping or Smoking
The habit of vaping is one that has soared in recent times. Many people find it difficult to break the hold vaping or smoking has on them. Once you are 100% certain that you really want to quit, it is possible with hypnotherapy to stop smoking or vaping to achieve within a double-length session*, enabling you to leave the session as a non-vaper or non-smoker.
*It may be necessary to precede the quit vaping/smoking session with some stress reduction sessions in order to fully maximise the success of the stop smoking hypnotherapy.
Quit Vaping or Smoking

Do you want to lose weight but have an on-going struggle with your relationship with food? Are you a yo-yo dieter? Have you put on weight with the menopause?
A Solution-focused hypnotherapy package can help to re-train your subconscious behaviours that control your eating habits without you counting calories or following restrictive diets or doing excessive exercise. You will be amazed at how introducing trance to your weight management efforts can positively influence your eating habits.
Weight Management